Persian Dabeer Kashan Revival – Flora Frenzy


The carpets that originally came from the Dabeer workshop in the Kashan region of Persia, were celebrated as some of the best examples of high quality weaving and used the best material. They were also amongst the most expensive. The Carpet Cellar’s Kashan revival collection is inspired by the original Dabeer Kashans and aims to bring forth the best of design, weaving technique and patterns into today’s carpet world.

  • Reference Number

  • Size In Feet

    5 x 3
  • Size In Cms

    152.4 x 91.44
  • Material

  • Colour

    Light Grey, Gold
In stock

Product Details

Although Persian carpets usually take their name from the region they are produced in, some exceptional ones created by master weavers, were identified by the weavers name as well. Dabeer being amongst them. These carpets are extremely rare and prized possessions amoung the carpet aficianados and collectors. Such works of art can define any space and are ideal to juxtapose with any kind of interiors and be its focal point.