French Aubusson Needlpoint Tapestry – Rosette

Price available on request

The Vintage Aubusson tapestries are a gold standard throughout the world. The craft of Aubusson tapestry consists of weaving an image using processes practised in Aubusson in France. These large decorative wall hangings are often also used as rugs or throws.

  • Reference Number

  • Size In Feet

    17.3 x 11.8
  • Size In Cms

    527.30 x 359.66
  • Material

  • Colour

    Beige-Off White
In stock

Product Details

Tapestries have a rich history dating back to year 732. It has evolved over the centuries and some of the most spectacular pieces were created between the 15th and 17th century. However, post the french revolution, machines replaced most hand-made production. In the early 19th century – the École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs d’Aubusson (Aubusson National School of Decorative Arts) was created and it brought about the must needed revival of tapestry through changes in its technique: the painter simplifies the weaving process by limiting the number of colours, while avoiding excessive gradations. These are some of the original antique tapestries acquired by our founder.