Antique Amritsar Jail – Night Cypress

Price available on request

The Antique Amritsar Jail Carpets portray the converged styles of eastern and western India. These rugs are made by capturing the exotic style alongwith a colonial influence. Amritsar carpets are quite unique amongst the other Indian Carpets. The Amritsar carpets are more desirable due to their elegant botanical motifs that are curvilinear. The quality of matierals used were superior, which also adds to their value.

  • Reference Number

  • Size In Feet

    15.6 x 10.2
  • Size In Cms

    472 x 310
  • Material

  • Colour

    Royal Blue, Deep Pink, Light Beige
In stock

Product Details

During the reign of the British empire over India, weaving centres were established in the Indian Jails where looms were setup and prisoners were trained by weavers from Persia. The resulting carpets were of exceptional quality and were made using the finest pure wool. Their designs were inspired by the classical Persian and Mughal carpets of the 16th and 17th centuries. Amongst the well known centres was the Amritsar Jail.